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June Meetings


The Natick School Committee meets tonight, Tuesday June 7th and again next Monday, June 13th in preparation for the Evaluation Retreat meetings that we hold in person on June 22nd, 27th and 29th.  

As always, you can join us in person on the 3rd floor of Town Hall and to most of our meetings, virtually. (Retreat style meetings are not on zoom or pegasus.) 

The Zoom Link, Agenda and materials are here. We have the aim of starting the public session at 7:00 p.m. tonight (Executive session first.)  

School Committee Items On Tap:

  • Discussion of the Vaccination Policy for Staff, Vendors, Contractors and Volunteers
  • Anti-Discrimination Policy recommendation from the Policy Sub Committee to the full Committee. 
  • Strategic Plan Update & End of Year Superintendent Evaluation
  • Dyslexia Update 
  • 3rd Quarter and End of Year Financials Update
  • Enrollment Update


On the Anti Discrimination Policy, we worked for nearly a year researching anti bias and hate policies. With the help of the legal team for the district, we are coming to the committee with a recommendation for the full committee tonight.  

Just a reminder about something a few people have asked me about over the last month...

Public speak:  

  • Virtually, you need to email the chair an hour before the meeting ( and request to speak tonight at public speak.
  • In person, you sign up on a sheet in the room.
  • The Natick School Committee allows for public speak by an individual for up to 3 minutes about items that are not on the agenda for that evening. 
  • Public speak is a total of 15 minutes unless the chair allows for more time.

Join us for one more Virtual Coffee Hour as well!  Wednesday, June 15th from 6-6:45 p.m.  Topic: Social Emotional Learning in the District. The conversation is also informal and a wonderful way for the committee to connect with some of the people we seek to serve!  Zoom link here.

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