Committee Reorganization:
Ms. Cathi Collins - Chair (vote 6-0-1)
Ms. Hayley Sonneborn - Vice Chair ( vote 6-0-1)
Dr. Donna McKenzie - Clerk ( vote 7-0-0)
Ms. Catherine Brunell - Paraprofessional negotiations (appointed)
Mr. Shai Fuxman - Administrative Assistants negotiations (appointed)
Our Re-organization will continue on 4/25 for subcommittees, advisory committees and liaison positions.
Teaching and Learning Update
Middle School Mid Year State of the Union Slides
What is a Student Growth Percentile (SGP) in lay persons terms? Watch a video tutorial here.
SGP is measurement of how much the student "grew" or learned between two points in time.
Much like the height charts you might see when you go to the pediatricians office. Instead of just learning how tall your child is, the doctor also looks to see if the child is growing at a consistent rate.
The median of all of the SGP’s in the class becomes the Grade Level SGP
Dr. Nolin described that DESE recommends a median SGP between 40 and 60%. As such, Natick has chosen that as its goal for all students.
These next two charts show a big picture element for us to celebrate!
Vote to Amend the Superintendent's Contract
The committee voted 6-1-0 to amend the Superintendent's contract for FY22.
The vote allows the Superintendent to buy back an additional 10 vacation days this year. Per her contract before this amendment, Dr. Nolin receives 25 vacation days with the ability to buy back 10 and roll 5 over to the next year. With this amendment, for FY22 only she has the ability to buy back 20 days.
To see the committee vote please see the meeting video here at minute 1:57:20.
Future Agenda Items Requested: